

私たちは、血栓溶解薬組織プラスミノゲン・アクチベーター(tPA)療法後の脳出血合併症を防止する治療の開発を目指しています。この新規治療の開発は、脳梗塞患者さんの予後の改善と、tPA療法における4.5時間という短い治療可能時間域の延長をもたらす可能性があります。この目的のため、まず血管内皮増殖因子(vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGF)という成長因子を標的とした血管保護療法を検討し、動物モデルを用いた検討にて、抗VEGF中和抗体やVEGF受容体阻害剤といったVEGF抑制薬が、脳出血合併症を防止することを明らかにしました1)。これに引き続いて、日米の知的財産権の取得、米国サンフランシスコにおける創薬ベンチャーShimoJani LLCの設立を行い、さらにクリーブランドクリニックとの共同研究にてヒト試料を用いた臨床研究を行いました。この結果をもとに、現在、ベンチャーキャピタル等から投資を募り、日本における臨床試験の実現、製薬企業との連携を目指しています。なお本研究は、2018年度日本脳循環代謝学会エビデンス創出委員会認定研究に採択されました。


  • 図1.血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)抑制
    VEGF; vascular endothelial growth factor, MMP9; matrix metalloprotease 9

  • 図2.理想的な脳保護薬


  1. Kanazawa M, Igarashi H, Kawamura K, Takahashi T, Kakita A, Takahashi H, Nakada T, Nishizawa M, Shimohata T: Inhibition of VEGF signaling pathway attenuates hemorrhage after tPA treatment. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 31: 1461–1474, 2011

  2. Kanazawa M, Kawamura K, Takahashi T, Miura M, Tanaka Y, Koyama M, Toriyabe M, Igarashi H, Nakada T, Nishihara M, Nishizawa M, Shimohata T: Multiple therapeutic effects of progranulin on experimental acute ischaemic stroke. Brain 138: 1932-1948, 2015


Translational research to develop novel therapeutic drugs for ischemic stroke

Development of vasoprotective drugs that attenuate hemorrhagic transformation (HT) after tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) treatment might improve the prognosis of stroke patients and extend the therapeutic time window of tPA. We identified vascular remodeling factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as a therapeutic target molecule for HT after tPA treatment. We demonstrated that HT was inhibited by administration of anti-VEGF neutralizing antibody/VEGF receptor antagonist in a rat thromboembolic model. After the animal studies, we acquired intellectual property rights in Japan and United States, established an academic-industrial alliance, and examined the role of VEGF in HT using human samples. Our goal is to conduct a clinical trial to assess the effect of VEGF-inhibiting drugs on HT. Our project is selected as the most important translational research by the Japanese Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (2018).

In addition, we found that a growth factor progranulin could protect against acute focal cerebral ischemia by variety of mechanisms, which we call "brain protection", including neuroprotection in part by inhibition of cytoplasmic redistribution of TDP-43, suppression of neuroinflammation via anti-inflammatory interleukin-10 in microglia, and attenuation of blood-brain barrier disruption via VEGF. We’d like to accelerate further researches towards the development of novel combination treatments with “brain protective” drugs and tPA or thrombectomy.